If you want Dark Souls at 60fps, in 4k, then there's even more reason to get this mod.

This mod is absolutely necessary to edit all important graphics settings, specifically if your monitor refresh rate is an uncommon number, or if your computer struggles to run the game at a playable frame rate. Windows 10 may come with its own version, but not all do. Get "WinRAR" from its official website and follow install instructions. Unzip and extract the contents into C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Dark Souls Prepare to Die Edition\DATA (just needs to end up in the DATA folder, if the pathing is different for you.) Unzipping a file requires software that compresses and decompresses software. V0.253: first version of the mod for Dark Souls 2, ambient occlusion, post processing shaders support, bloom, lens fx, etc from generic ENBSeries mods.Get it here [This is a link to a dropbox account owned by a reputable Global Moderator(Zefar). Removed obsolette parameters for time of the day, all forced for day only. V0.255: Fixed bug with ghosting of ambient occlusions at some camera angles and not working depth of field at same cases. Added parameters to enblocal.ini for forcing NVidia card, this may help to fix issues. V0.256: Added day-night detection and separated prameters accordinly, also in external shaders. This is just the mod with default preset, download customized presets and shaders from the forum or other sites.

Game sun rays now visible and intensity controlled by new variable in enbseries.ini. Fixed ambient occlusion flickering bug and some objects which haven't it applied.

Removed forcing of anisotropic filtering and lod bias as these are incompatible with game. POSTING THE ENBSERIES BINARY FILES ON NEXUS SITES IS STRICTLY PROHIBITEDĪdded edge antialiasing. Download ENBSeries v0.257 for Dark Souls 2